I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.语法课_中公网校

I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.语法课


——人教版初三全一册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.语法课

根据《义务教育阶段英语课程标准》,学生在义务教育阶段应该学习和掌握的英语语言基础知识包括语音、词汇、语法、功能和话题等五方面的内容,这五方面内容通常情况下都贯穿教学始终,更有不可割断的联系,因此,教师在教学过程中要善于结合。在语法教学中,教师可综合语音、词汇、功能和话题要素进行活动设计,避免语法教学过于枯燥。把握好话题,就能抓学生的情感,针对性地在教学活动中有意无意地渗透情感态度培养,实现教学目标。本文以人教版初三全一册Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.语法课为例进行教学设计。

Teaching Objectives:

Knowledge objective:

Students can get familiar with grammar structures what and how sentences to ask the past and future events, and then give answers.

Ability objectives:

Students can use grammar structures correctly.

Students will talk about past and future events with grammar structure correctly and fluently.

Emotional objectives:

Students will be more interested in discussing with others.

Students will cherish time and life.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can talk about past and future events with sentence structure what and how sentences to ask others and give answers with grammar points: simple past tense, will, be going to, used to, etc.

Difficult Point:

Students will love life and cherish time.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

1) Greet students.

2) Play a song, Yesterday once more from The Carpenters. Show them important lyrics.

When I was young

I'd listen to the radio

Waiting for my favorite songs

When they played I'd sing along

It made me smile

Those were such happy time

And not so long ago

How I wondered where they'd gone

But they're back again

Just like a long lost friend

All the songs I loved so well


Those old melodies

Still sound so good to me

As they melt the years away


(Justification: The song is mainly about the memory of the past. Emerging in the song, students can recall their past. Lyrics are all about the simple past tense. While watching the lyrics students can get to understand to use simple past tense to describe the past events.)

Step 2 Presentation

1) Show students a series of pictures about teacher’s junior high school, events, people. Introduce them teacher’s school life. Show them sentences in the table on the blackboard.

2) Ask students their life in Grade 7 or 8 by using what and how sentences. Encourage them to give the answer. Show possible answer version in the table on the blackboard.

3) Ask students to read the sentences on the blackboard together.

4) Underline grammar points: What...? How...? won, will, be going to, remember being, used to, be looking forward.

(Justification: students can get to know how to ask others’ past and future plan. By showing teacher’s own experience, on the one hand, it can attract students attention. On the other hand, students can learn to imitate and know how to talk about their own.)

Step 3 Practice

Practice 1

Ask students to work in group, 4 students in one group. And finish task in 4a. See which group can finish fast and correctly.

Practice 2

Ask students to read the passage in 4a and underline grammar points about past tense and future tense.

Practice 3

Ask students to finish the task in 4b.

(Justification: Practice makes perfect. Through practice on sentences structures and usage, students can consolidate grammar points. At the same time, students can learn sentence by sentence and make them into a paragraph so that they can know how to introduce in a complete discourse.)

Step 4 Production

Work in group. Ask students to introduce their past events and future plan according to the task in 4b. Encourage students to share. Other students give response. See which can be the most attractive experience.

(Justification: students can discuss with each other, share with each other so that their listening and speaking ability can be improved. Through production, students can finally get chances to use what they have learned.)

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Show them words in Forrest Gump, Life is like a box of chocolate, you will never know what will be in it. Encourage students to cherish life.

Homework: Ask students to write their past events and future plan.

Blackboard design:









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