九年级英语 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are听说课教案设计_中公网校

九年级英语 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are听说课教案设计


——人教版初三全一册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 听说课

听说读写是英语学习四项重大技能,既是学习的目标,也是学习的手段。其中学生听力能力是一项长期的过程,正确的听力技能培养有利于学生有效地获取信息,增强英语学习信心。造成学生听力困难的原因是多样的,其中听力语篇内容的词汇难易度会影响学生对整个语篇的把握。因此,教师在听说教学当中应关注听力材料是否有超出学生认知水平的表达,可以采取引导渗透的方式帮助学生扫清听力可能存在的障碍。本文以人教版初三全一册Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 听说课教学为例进行教学设计。

Teaching Objectives:

Knowledge objectives:

Students can learn new words: restroom, stamp and bookstore.

Students can understand the sentence structure Could you please tell me how to....?/where I can...? to ask for information politely.

Ability objective:

Students can ask for information politely, give and follow direction with correct sentence structure.

Emotional objectives:

Students will learn to respect others.

Students will be willing to help others.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key point:

Students can ask for information politely, give and follow direction with correct sentence structure.

Difficult Point:

How to ask for information politely, give and follow direction with correct sentence structure.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Greet students and show a short video about travel abroad. Ask students their feelings toward the experience in the video. Encourage them to think that problems may exist while travelling abroad.

(Justification: Travelling abroad is or will be one of experiences of students. This topic meets their needs to think about it. Cares about their feelings enable students to express themselves. Encouraging them to think about problems leads to the main topic in this lesson--asking for help/information.)

Step 2 Pre-listening

1) Introduce one of teacher’s travelling experiences to students. Ask them a question: Every time I tour to a new place, I’d like to sent postcards to my friends. Could you please tell me where I can post? Guide them to answer post office. Show them a picture about a post office and ask them to see what are in it. Guide them to know stamp.

2) Ask students a question: Travelling sometimes can be tiring. If I am tired, what should I do? Guide them to advise me to have a rest in the restroom or read books in the bookstore.

3) Show three words on the blackboard and ask students to read three times.

(Justification: In this step, words that students are unfamiliar with can be learned so that it can be easier for students to understand the whole listening material.)

Step 3 While-listening

1. Extensive listening

Listen to the tape in 1a. Ask them questions:

(1) How many people are there talking?

(2) Where are they?

(3) What happened to them?

(Justification: Through three questions, students can focus on the general information in the listening material and finally conclude the main topic of it.)

2. Intensive listening

1) Listen to the tape for the second time. Show them pictures about places and labeled with letter a, b, c, d, e. Ask students to listen to the tape and put the places or letters in the correct number.

2) Listen to the tape for the third time. Show students verb phrases in the box. Ask students to listen to the tape and put the phrases in the blank in 1a.

3) Listen to the tape for the fourth time. Ask students to read after the tape and pay attention to the stress, pronunciation, intonation.

(Justification: Through three times for listening, students can get to deal with detail information in the listening material. At the same time, their speaking ability can be improved after the tape.)

Step 4 Post-listening

1) Show students picture in 1a. Ask students a question: Could you tell me how to go to the bookstore? Guide students to answer according to the picture.

2) Pair work. Ask students to make conversation using the information in 1a. Then talk about their own city.

(Justification: In this step, students can use what they learned in the previous steps. A picture can be a help for students to observe and output. Conversation making about their city enables students to transfer what they have learned. Meanwhile their speaking ability can be improved.)

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Invite one student to summarize what we have learned today.

Homework: Draw a map about surrounding around their home. Show it next class and try to think about 4 questions to ask.

Blackboard design:






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