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请根据所提供的教学材料,根据PPP教学模式,用英语完成以下使学生掌握Can I have ..., please?和Sorry! Certainly!句型的教学设计任务。(设计意图可用中文表述)


2.根据所设定的知识目标,设计presentation 环节的教学活动,并设计意图加以说明。




Let’s talk

A: Have some grapes.

B: Thanks. I like grapes.

C: Here you are.

D: Sorry, I don’t like grapes. Can I have some bananas?

Let’s play

I don’t like pears. I like apples.


(1)Teaching aims:

Students can grasp the sentence pattern: Can I have ..., please? & Sorry! Certainly!

Students will Form the good habit of thrift and develop a correct concept of diet.

Students can express their needs in English.

(2)Step Presentation

The teacher sticks pictures that represent all kinds of fruits they have learned on the blackboard.

①Point to these fruits, say: “Look, these are many fruits.” Repeat “fruits” and lead to read “fruits”.

②Then ask: “Do you like fruits?” They can answer: “Yes, I do.” So the teacher invite them to eat fruits: “Have some fruits.” and repeat it.

③Show the sentence card: “Have some fruits.” and stick on the blackboard, then lead to read it.

④Ask: “So many fruits, I like apples. Which one do you like? “They can answer: “I like peaches. / I like pears”... The teacher asks: “I like apples. Can I have an apple, please?” Lead to answer: “Sure.”

⑤Change the fruit, repeat to ask: “Can I have..., please?” Lead to answer: “Sorry!” or “Certainly!”

⑥See the CD about the dialogue of “Let’s talk”.

⑦Show the sentences cards: Can I have an apple, please? Sorry! Certainly! See the CD follow to read.

⑧Show some pictures of drinks: orange, juice, milk, coke, tea, coffee, water. Stick them on the blackboard. Say “I’m thirsty. Can I have some orange juice, please?” Then point to the milk, coke, tea .... Let the students answer with: Can I have some......, please?

(设计意图:使学生学习有关水果的单词,并在老师的指导下学习并熟练运用Can I have an apple, please? Sorry! Certainly!句型。在第⑧步骤的学习下,使学生明白饮料前面应该用some修饰而不能用a/an修饰)

(3)Step Practice

Pass one by one:

Divide students into groups, four of them in one group. Student A draw an apple on picture, and student B asks: Can I have an apple, please? The students answers: Certainly, here you are. And give it to B. The B asks C: Can I have an apple, please? Student C answers: Certainly, here you are. Then ….

When the teacher says stop, the one who gets the apple in his hand will be the winner.

(设计意图:通过这个游戏使学生熟练掌握句型:Can I have an apple, please?和Certainly, here you are.)

(4)Step Homework

Let students have a party with their friends in their homes, and prepare some fruits and juice. Then use the sentence they have learned to communicate with each other.


(5)Blackboard design:




l Teaching objectives

l Teaching contents

l Key and difficult points

l Major steps and time allocation

l Activities and justification



Frank: Hi, Bob. How is your day?

Bob: It’s OK. I like Monday because I have P.E. and history. They’re my favorite subjects.

Frank: Who’s your P.E. teacher?

Bob: Mr. Hu. He always plays games with us.

Frank: That’s great! But do you like history? It’s boring.

Bob: Oh. I think history is interesting. What’s your favorite day?

Frank: Friday.

Bob: Why?

Frank: Because the next day is Saturday.

Bob: Haha! That’s for sure. I like Fridays too.


Class Contents: A dialogue about one’s favorite subjects, favorite teacher and favorite day.

Teaching Objectives:

(1) Knowledge objectives:

Students could master the names of subjects and the usage of “favorite”.

(2) Ability objectives:

Students could know how to say different subjects, and develop the ability of describing them.

(3) Emotional objectives:

Students could have a better understanding of their classmates through the discussion, and cultivate their love for every day and every class.

Teaching Key Points:

Name words of subjects; description of words, usage of “favorite”

Teaching Difficult Points:

Usage of “favorite”, how to start a discussion.

Teaching Aids:multi-media, a calendar, flash cards

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up (5minutes)

The teacher will show a picture of English class, math class and Chinese class on the multimedia screen to ask “What classes are these?”

Students will answer the questions.

(Justification:This step will warm up the class..)

Step 2: Presentation & Practice(25 minutes)

(1) New words

① Students will be divided into 4 groups, and they have 5 minutes to think about the names of subjects. The teacher will reward the group that think out the most words correctly.

All the correct names of subjects will be listed on the blackboard.

② The teacher guides students to master these subject words by offering some learning strategies like word-formation, for example, “What’s the same part of the words ‘biology’ and ‘geology’? Can you guess the meaning of the suffix ‘-ology’?”

(Justification:These activities can enhance students’ memory of new words and help them master the study strategy of vocabulary learning.)

(2) Grammar

The teacher will ask “So which class do you like best?”

After students’ answers, teacher needs to write “… is my favorite subject” on the blackboard and say, “We can also use this sentence to say I like something best. English is my favorite subject. What’s your favorite subject?”

One student will be requested to answer the question and ask another one, and all of them need do the same action.

(Justification:This step will help students practice the grammar pattern of “… is my favorite subject”.)

Step 3: Production (10 minutes)

Teacher will ask questions:

(1) What is your favorite fruit?

(2) What is your favorite season?

(3) What is your favorite sport?

(4) What is your favorite drink?

All the students are possible to be pointed to answer.

(Justification: This step will use the words students have learned to make sentences, and they will review and master the grammar.)

Step 4: Summary and Homework (5minutes)

The teacher will show the flash cards of words and sentences to lead students to read and review.

The homework is to write 10 sentences at least to introduce 3 to 5 subjects.

(Justification:This step will help students to use the words to describe their academic life, and strengthen their interests and confidence in learning English.)

Blackboard Design:




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